Traditional tobacco pipes have provided the oldest method for smoking tobacco. An e-pipe retains the same form factor as a traditional tobacco pipe but is used to vape e-juice through electronic means. It consists of a bowl, stem and mouthpiece just like the original. Unlike a tobacco pipe the user does not compact tobacco nor light it with a match or lighter, nor does the user fill up the bowl with e-juice. An e-pipe is an electronic device that runs off a lithium-ion battery. The user simply turns it on to use it. All e-pipes consist of a battery which heats a coil in a cartridge or atomizer to vaporize e-juice. The vapor then flows up the stem to the mouthpiece to be inhaled or puffed by the user. E-pipes do not create actual smoke (it’s vapor!), nor ash. The largest advantage in using an e-pipe compared to one for tobacco is that it is significantly safer for one’s health. No ash makes e-pipes environmentally friendly. Also, e-pipes create little or no smell, which may be appreciated by family and friends. Some businesses such as casinos may be vape friendly and allow for their use indoors.